The Power of vDCM in Modern Cable Networks

How can you make your video processing infrastructure more efficient and future-proof? Many cable operators today face these common challenges:

  • Legacy hardware reaching end-of-life, increasing operational risk
  • Growing bandwidth demands, putting pressure on QAM resources
  • Rising power and data center costs, making infrastructure expensive to maintain
  • The need to transition toward a streaming-ready future while maximizing existing investments

The solution? Smarter, more efficient video processing.

This exclusive case study explores how a leading cable operator in the Netherlands successfully migrated from legacy DCM to virtual DCM (vDCM)—unlocking bandwidth efficiency, cost savings, and a scalable future-ready infrastructure.

📥 Download the case study to discover:
✅ How vDCM reduced bandwidth consumption and freed up valuable spectrum
✅ The operational and energy savings realized through next-gen video processing
✅ How to transition seamlessly while maintaining video quality

Fill out the form to access the full case study now!

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