Streaming Metadata Enrichment
Maximise the depth, originality, and quality of your metadata to enhance your video service's user experience.
Maximise the depth, originality, and quality of your metadata to enhance your video service's user experience.
Add new contributor, tag, genre, mood and ratings data, improved imagery, fill metadata gaps and add translations.
Clean, normalise, and format metadata from multiple sources, as well as automate the generation of text, tags, images, and thumbnails.
Learn moreImprove what you measure: monitor metadata coverage, assess data quality confidence and automatically apply AI countermeasures.
A rich, cross-linked dataset is key to building great content discovery experiences. Our metadata enrichment solution is designed to allow flexibility and creativity when enriching data. Drawing on a variety of technologies and data sources, we can help you leverage your metadata to drive a more compelling entertainment experience.
Go.Enrich provides an AI enrichment platform to enhance sparse metadata. Configurations can be effortlessly modified to quickly enable supported enrichments, as well as add custom enrichments to the data flow.
Add contextual tags to your content to enable “Topification”. Content cross-linking links to external references on the web and across social media platforms. Translations localise content for consumption in other territories. Availabilities add content availability on other channels and services.
Enhance your user experience with trailers and ratings from YouTube, IVA, Rotten Tomatoes, TMDb and IMDb. Include imagery from a vast stock of content and utilise mood tags to create new discovery pathways.
Avoid wasting time with manual metadata editing or updates. Simplify operational workflows freeing up resources to concentrate on other operational tasks and service features.
Go-Enrich provides fully documented APIs, designed following industry best practice, hosted in the cloud for reliability and scalability. Through a combination of REST and Real-time APIs, we enable seamless integration into your applications and back-end services.
With 8 years of experience making metadata work more effectively and efficiently, our metadata experts will help you define your best course of action and determine if a product like Go.Enrich is a good fit for your company.
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