Big data? No point!

Yes, that’s right, what’s the point of Big Data? At this year’s NAB I took part in a panel ‘How Can Big Data and Analytics Improve the TV Experience?’ which was introduced as ‘another’ Big Data panel. So why do we keep on having more and more discussions on Big Data? The session was well attended, so there is clear interest, but why is the industry still wrestling with Big Data?
Part of the challenge with Big Data is that it is, well, Big. We see Service Providers and Operators generating terrabytes of logs and data lakes every day without knowing how or where, or even if, it will be used.
What we need to know is what is the *right* data? What is the problem that needs to be fixed? Only by understanding what specific challenge we have to meet are we able to identify the appropriate metrics and relevant data needed.
Synamedia’s approach is to start with the consumer insight that our customers must have, and then identify the logging, analytics and data points required to deliver it. We begin with the problem and look at how to solve it, rather than try to fish content out of enormous – and quite often expensive – data lakes.
We gather data with the assumption of using it, rather than a ‘store and hope’ strategy which leads to significant overhead. We expect data to be the starting point for action, and not just a series of passive views.
Then we make it available. Of course we provide a feature-rich visualisation capability, and we also know that our customers need to pick the best data from multiple sources. We support our customers with a robust integration capability, enabling simple, scalable and consistent access and aggregation of data.
Our approach means that we are the source of truth for all interaction in our customer’s video service, across all devices and platforms, driving revenue acquisition, trial conversion and consumer engagement and retention.
We do this efficiently, managing only the data we need for insight, and then exposing it in a simple, accessible way.
Hopefully, one day soon, we’ll all be talking about *right* data, and not just Big Data, but if you want that conversation today, then get in touch.
Adam Davies is head of Product Marketing at Synamedia. He is a digital content and video specialist, working in media and technology for his entire career, with positions both client and vendor side at organisations including Thomson Reuters, News International and Cisco.
Adam brings new and innovative products to market, having worked with distributed and cloud based solutions for content and media management, and has experience of leading software implementations within Tier 1 Service Providers.
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